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{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "lecontinue": "20230523190745|20", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "logevents": [ { "logid": 30, "ns": 8, "title": "MediaWiki:Mainpage", "pageid": 24, "logpage": 24, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Fiskbit", "timestamp": "2023-08-23T09:17:01Z", "comment": "Point to the new main page name." }, { "logid": 29, "ns": 0, "title": "Main Page", "pageid": 23, "logpage": 2, "params": { "target_ns": 0, "target_title": "ObscureDev Wiki" }, "type": "move", "action": "move", "user": "Fiskbit", "timestamp": "2023-08-23T09:16:30Z", "comment": "Rename main page to match wiki name." }, { "logid": 28, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Casio PV-1000 Rendering Timing.png", "pageid": 22, "logpage": 22, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-06-02T23:41:27Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 27, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Casio PV-1000 Rendering Timing.png", "pageid": 22, "logpage": 22, "params": { "img_sha1": "fxy01mp9vkn87un433igroq2fo2q5zo", "img_timestamp": "2023-06-02T23:41:27Z" }, "type": "upload", "action": "upload", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-06-02T23:41:27Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 26, "ns": 0, "title": "Casio PV-1000/Emulation", "pageid": 21, "logpage": 21, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-27T05:26:39Z", "comment": "Created page with \"There are two currently-known emulators for the PV-1000. As of 2023 May, both are extremely inaccurate in problematic ways. * MAME * ePV-1000 (Part of Common Source Code emulator system by TAKEDA Toshiya ) [] Both are problematically inaccurate. Here's a list of what they do wrong: * regF8, F9, FA: square wave channels should be different volumes (fixed in MAME release 254) * regFB: missing mute and ring/XOR modulation support...\"" }, { "logid": 25, "ns": 0, "title": "Casio PV-1000/Rendering", "pageid": 20, "logpage": 20, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-25T02:41:32Z", "comment": "Created page with \"There are 288 pixels on each scanline. Note that pixel 0 is defined as the start of hsync. During each of the 192 active scanlines, if enabled in the configuration register, the ASIC does the following: BUSREQ is asserted from pixels 20 through 267; the other 40 pixels it's deasserted. The first two pixels are during hsync. While the Z80 asserts BUSACK # the ASIC continuously asserts /MREQ # the ASIC runs the same 8 pixel 4 fetch pattern: TilemapEntry Bitplane Bitpl...\"" }, { "logid": 24, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Casio PV-1000 Video Timing (only).png", "pageid": 19, "logpage": 19, "params": { "img_sha1": "s3ha1fpvrxgb9qb1fxfusupq4g65vvw", "img_timestamp": "2023-05-24T01:26:05Z" }, "type": "upload", "action": "overwrite", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-24T01:26:05Z", "comment": "don't include IRQ timing on this diagram" }, { "logid": 23, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Casio PV-1000 Video Timing (only).png", "pageid": 19, "logpage": 19, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-24T01:25:16Z", "comment": "no namespaces for files :(" }, { "logid": 22, "ns": 6, "title": "File:Casio PV-1000 Video Timing (only).png", "pageid": 19, "logpage": 19, "params": { "img_sha1": "s9tcqnsb0am4r0j4tawt1kbigvzt7cr", "img_timestamp": "2023-05-24T01:25:15Z" }, "type": "upload", "action": "upload", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-24T01:25:15Z", "comment": "no namespaces for files :(" }, { "logid": 21, "ns": 0, "title": "Casio PV-1000/ULA pinout", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 18, "params": {}, "type": "delete", "action": "delete", "user": "Lidnariq", "timestamp": "2023-05-23T19:09:41Z", "comment": "did not want a redirect" } ] } }